Status Codes

The following is a list of HTTP status codes. The text and numeric code are interchangeable where Moya expects a status code. Using the text label is preferable as it is self documenting.

If the response code isn't listed here, you may still use the numeric code.

HTTP Status Codes

Informational 1xx
continue = 100
switching_protocols = 101
Successful 2xxx
ok = 200
created = 201
accepted = 202
non_authorative_information = 203
no_content = 204
reset_content = 205
partial_content = 206
Redirection 3xxx
multiple_choices = 300
moved_permanently = 301
found = 302
see_other = 303
not_modified = 304
use_proxy = 305
temporary_redirect = 307
permanent_redirect = 308
Client Error 4xx
bad_request = 400
unauthorized = 401
payment_required = 402
forbidden = 403
not_found = 404
method_not_allowed = 405
not_acceptable = 406
proxy_authentication_requred = 407
request_timeout = 408
conflict = 409
gone = 410
length_required = 411
precondition_failed = 412
request_entity_too_large = 413
request_uri_too_long = 414
unsupported_media_type = 415
request_range_not_satisfiable = 416
expectation_failed = 417
im_a_teapot = 418
Server Error 5xx
internal_error = 500
no_implemented = 501
bad_gateway = 502
service_unavailable = 503
gateway_timeout = 504
http_version_not_supported = 505