<processor> define a thumbnail processor

xml namespace

A thumbnail processor.

Defines how an image should be processed to produce another image. When <generate> runs, it calls the each processor in a <thumbnails> with an image object called image. The code inside the processor transforms that image. The new image is then written as the thumbnail. Here's an example:

<tn:thumbnails libname="sushifinder#thumbnails.products">
    <tn:processor name="small">
        <image:resize-to-fit width="80" height="80" />
name purpose type required? default choices
format Image format for the thumbnail text No jpeg jpeg
name An identifier used in the thumbnail generation text Yes
quality The quality of jpeg thumbnails (max 100) integer No 80
version A version number of the processor integer No 1
inherited attributes
name purpose type required? default choices
if Conditional expression expression No yes